BIOMEX will be present at AACC 2021

As an established partner of the IvD industry, BIOMEX will be on site again this year at the AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, September 28-30 in Atlanta.

New Managing Director at BIOMEX!

Dr. Klaus Esperschidt is the new Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director at BIOMEX and is supporting the company in its growth into new markets.

BIOMEX supports Goethe-Corona Fund

BIOMEX supports the Goethe Corona Fund, a joint project of the University of Frankfurt and the University Hospital Frankfurt for Corona emergency aid in India.

SARS-CoV-2 samples available

In recent weeks, BIOMEX has collected more than 900 sequential bleeds from over 150 recovered COVID-19 patients to enable the progress of clinical validation of the test systems.