Support of the Addiction and Youth Welfare Association

The non-profit association Sucht- & Jugendhilfe e.V. based in Lübeck, has set itself the task of reporting on the themes of addiction and violence among young people in a differentiated and unbiased manner. Children, young people and their parents nationwide need to be informed about such problems.

In addition, the association publishes a monthly magazine entitled  “SUCHT-HILFE” (Addiction Assistance), which deals with various aspects of addiction and violence. Education and targeted prevention occupy a leading role in the individual editions. The guides are financed by donations and are then distributed to schools and vocational schools nationwide free of charge.
The objective: To inform children and youths, as well as their parents, teachers and educators urgently about the various dangers of addiction and sensitize them accordingly, so that they can then provide immediate help. The idea behind this: Only those who are informed can also have a preventive effect on children and youths.

BIOMEX supports the important work of the addiction and youth welfare association financially through donations. Further information about the association can be found at

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