BIMEX – 赋予科学家权力
诊断:样本采集与全方位服务 – 探索欧洲最大的人类原材料库存,拥有超过 60万份人类生物样本和 6,000 支疾病状态的血浆库存。凭借位于德国和喀麦隆的战略性捐赠中心、广泛的可信合作伙伴网络以及先进的实验室设施,我们有能力获取和处理甚至是罕见样本。
在我们的捐献中心,我们每年生产 15000升阴性血浆,并拥有可靠的捐献者群体。
体外诊断临床研究机构 (CRO) – 作为专注于体外诊断 的临床研究机构,我们对快速检测、核酸检测 以及 化学发光免疫分析 系统进行性能评估。其中包括伦理审批、研究计划、新鲜和冷冻样本、实验室工作、数据分析和研究报告。由于大部分研究将在 BIOMEX 的 内部 进行,并由我们的全职员工负责,因此我们确保您的检测方法在欧盟IVDR、TGA或世卫组织下获得最高的批准几率。
生命科学: 生物样本、生物标记服务和应用 – BIOMEX 致力于为整个生命科学行业提供人类生物样本和优质服务!通过您的需求测试我们吧 – 您将通过我们的高可用性和灵活性获得速度和竞争优势。依靠我们的高质量标准可靠地规划您的流程,并将焦点放在我们作为经验丰富且灵活的全方位服务提供商的核心业务上!
Sampleshop, Biobank & Prospective Sample Collection – Comprehensive Solutions for Your Research
BIOMEX offers Europe's largest stock of human materials.In our Sampleshop you find over 600,000 human samples with different blood markers that are immediately available. Our newly established biobank contains patient samples with additional anonymized donor and medication information. You have a specific request? We organize prospective collections according to customer requirements via our large network of clinics and medical practices.
We routinely receive 5,000 remnant lab samples every month and have access to more than 100,000 samples per month. Our inventory includes more than 600,000 patient samples.
In our Sampleshop, you can filter by specific parameters or use the search function to find the sample you need for your project. The ordering process is quick and easy. If a sample is not available, we will be happy to source it prospectively.
Biobank: Clinical Samples
Our biobank is constantly growing and already contains more than 200,000 specified human samples from more than 1,500 donors. We are not only highly focused on ensuring the sample quality and integrity but also ensure the availability and accuracy of sample data. Our sample data contains sample specific information such as Patient / Donor ID, tested analytes, qualitative and quantitative results (e.g. concentration, positive, negative), collection date and medication/diagnosis.
Prospective Collection