BIOMEX 的可持续性
对我们来说,可持续发展意味着 在日常业务活动中考虑到生态、社会和经济方面。
我们向客户承诺 ,在产品的采购、生产、储存和运输过程中遵守生态标准并做出环保决策。
多年来,我们一直为公司的年轻人提供培训岗位,并传授我们的知识和专业经验,有时甚至是人生经验。 更令人欣慰的是,我们的受训人员在顺利完成培训后都乐意留在公司,继续加强团队的力量。

Burkitt’s lymphoma is a fast-growing cancer of the lymphatic system. While it is relatively rare in adults, it is one of the common cancers in children. The chances of cure are high – yet only twenty percent of children who suffer a relapse survive.
With a donation of 40,000 euros, BIOMEX is supporting the excellent work of two university groups investigating on Burkitt’s lymphoma in children:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Birgit Burkhardt’s group from Münster University Hospital (UKM) is trying to understand the genetic mechanisms in the cells that underlie the relapse of affected children.
The group of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wößmann from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) is establishing methods to help identify children at risk of relapse at an early stage.
We are very pleased to be able to contribute to a better understanding of this disease with our donation and wish the two research groups every success with their projects.
Oliver Bošnjak | 总经理

With a donation check of 100,000 euros, BIOMEX supports the Hopp Children's Cancer Center

“We would like to thank BIOMEX GmbH very much for this outstanding donation, which will help us to finance a mass spectrometer for the analysis and therapy of pediatric cancer.”
– Prof. Dr. Andreas Kulozik, Director of Clinical Pediatric Oncology at the KiTZ.
February 2022 – Mass Spectroscopy is one of the most complicated techniques in modern medicine. It is used for the analysis and accurate quantity determination of proteins. This allows KiTZ to study the production of proteins in tumors, and in some cases even in individual cancer cells. This is a crucial advance in therapy development.
“KiTZ does so much to give hope to affected children and families. We want to contribute by supporting the development of new treatment options,” said Oliver Bošnjak, at the donation ceremony.
We are proud to support the scientists at KiTZ in their valuable work on cancer diagnostics with our contribution.
Support for Ukraine – BIOMEX collects 6,000 euros

June 2022 – The people in Ukraine urgently need our support. Many have lost their homes, have fled and are dependent on our help. Therefore, BIOMEX has launched a fundraising campaign and collected monies for the German-Ukrainian Society Rhine-Neckar e. V.
We are extremely grateful for how many employees have participated in the campaign: 6000 euros were collected. Great achievement! And the best thing is: BIOMEX will quintuple this amount to a total of 30,000 euros!
A huge thank you to all our employees who supported this campaign with their generous donations to help and support the Ukraine.
Nicole-Müller Alof | 市场营销主管

Donation to the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University and Frankfurt University Hospital

2021 – The idea of the Goethe Corona Fund originated during the first days of the pandemic: Researchers should be supported immediately and unbureaucratically through donations so that they can make their contribution towards overcoming the covid crisis. Combining forces and providing competent help – more than 2000 private individuals, foundations and companies have now involved themselves in supporting this goal.
Since the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University has made an important contribution to research surrounding SARS-CoV-2 with great success, those responsible now feel particularly committed to international solidarity. Considering this, urgent support for the covid emergency assistance towards India was called for at the suggestion of the scientific community on the Riedberg campus. BIOMEX has responded to this call and is supporting covid emergency assistance for India.
Support of Intact

(I)NTACT e.V. is an aid organization that campaigns for the right of girls and women to an intact body. For over twenty years, the organization has been successfully fighting against the cruel tradition of female genital mutilation in Africa.
Donation for earthquake victims in Nepal

The devastating earthquake of April 2015 sparked a wave of helpfulness. We provide assistance through “Future for Nepals’s children e.V.”